By signing up and/or attending a Summits in Solidarity hike, you agree to the Liability Waiver below.
Trip leaders/adopters/creators are volunteers. You are responsible for your own safety and enjoyment. Please think of trip leaders as fulfilling a social function in getting people together for this trip. They do not claim expertise in hiking safety, are not guides, and do not hold themselves out to have any medical expertise. While they try to plan a trip that will work for everyone and try to head off the problems that they can see and anticipate, you should not come on this trip if you feel like you would not be able to safely complete it on your own.
As a condition of your voluntary participation in this activity you acknowledge and agree to the following: this activity involves inherent risks that can cause property damage, injury, illness, disability, and/or death to participants and/or others; you assume all risk associated with this activity; you are responsible for having the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, clothing, and equipment to safely participate in this activity; you know and will follow the Hiker Responsibility Code described at;the leader(s) of this activity are volunteers; and you for yourself, your heirs, executors, and administrators release, hold harmless, and indemnify the leader(s) and all members of this group from any and all claims for property damage, injury, illness, disability, and/or death - including those caused by negligence and/or other conditions.